There is something about this portal that rises above all the rest for me. I have been guided to channel every year on this day since my awakening over 6 years ago, and what comes through is always incredibly powerful and profound! And what follows that energy is life-changing; it's both healing and transformative!
The lion energy asks us to release what isn't fully aligned, to step into our truth, and to stop accepting less than we are worthy of! (Click below for your FREE Ritual & Activation)
It's not always connected to the lions, although they do make an appearance, it seems to be that the whole etheric world is working with us to collectively raise our vibration and help us release what has been holding us back and keeping us small.
Today's channelled meditation was incredible, I was guided into Inner Earth by a green Earth dragon (dragons have been so present in the last few months, they are becoming more and more active), and then grounded into the purest Earth frequency with the help of the fairies, weaving my hair into the roots of trees, and anchoring my crystalline roots deep into the heart of Gaia...
I won't give the rest away, but let's just say Divine union energies are strongly present right now, and the Divine masculine is ready to step up in a way we have never seen before. Make space in your heart for this shift, drop the judgements and the past disappointments, we are calling in a whole new way of being now, and this includes men!
If you'd like a copy of my Lion's Gate Portal Ritual & Guided Activation you can click here:

Happy Lion's Gate Portal - make the most of these powerful energies while it's open!