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From working with hundreds of clients, I have noticed a pattern around fear and potential greatness. You'd think that people would want to step into their greatness, in fact if we're honest, that's why the majority of them are drawn to work with me. But there's something that happens when they tap into their greatest potential that you might find surprising.

We are often so attached to our identity and the status quo of how we are used to being, that we will do anything to sabotage actual, true, and lasting growth! This is a product of the fear of our own greatness. Because we know deep down, that if we allow ourselves that level of transformation our lives will never be the same again.

We will no longer accept less than our worth, we won't be able to fit into the boxes that other people expect us to, that people-pleasing habit will go straight out of the window, and we're afraid that if we choose to truly embody our true self, we will be abandoned and rejected.

I can tell you, that wound runs DEEP. To be rejected and abandoned as child means you will not survive, it is life or death. And to be outcast by your tribe in previous lifetimes would also mean almost certain death, so this self-sabotage when it comes to standing out, and shining our brightest has a very functional need.

So how do we move past it!?

Well, firstly we need your ego on board, because without that, you're going to struggle to move forward even when you want to. However, if you can see that the attachment to the old way of being is actually now hurting or hindering you, aka it is now putting you at potential risk if it keeps running the same way, we can rewrite the script. Consider it like entering a password before you have access to reprogram a core function.

You will know exactly what I mean, if you have started to see a loop that keeps on running the same cycle, with different stories/people attached... The good news is, if you can see the pattern, you already have the ability to choose a new way, you have stepped out of denial and into the driving seat of your life. And this is where I can help you, to hold that focus, to reveal what your consciousness is trying to protect, and to reprogram the brain wiring so that it welcomes the GREATEST VERSION OF YOU!

Because from THAT space, of true embodiment, and full expansion of your power, you are literally limitless. You can create anything you want, and life turns into one massive game of creative exploration.

So, if you are inspired by this, and you want to learn more, join us in my free 3-Day Masterclass 'The Alchemist' here:

We start on August 3rd for 3 days of illuminating shares, empowering reminders and aha-moments. It will be held inside my free community: The Rose Garden which is full of tips, guidance, free masterclasses, inspiration, meditations, and practical ascension and embodiment guidance. Join us here if you know you are ready to release your fear and move into FREEDOM!

Tips on how to Work with your Fears:

Lean into your fear, test the edges, see what it holds for you. Ask it what it wants you to know? Ask it where it lies in your body? 

Welcome it, to rise up and show you… Hold steady, LOVE INTO IT.

Notice how it presents to you, honour the process.

What has it taught you? 

What has it revealed within you? 

What gifts have you received from these experiences?

Journal the answers to these potent questions for yourself and share your breakthroughs with me… I would love to hear!

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