When you start to open your eyes to the universe around you, you will start to see there are messages everywhere for you. Learning to trust these messages, trust that you have these abilities yourself and how to remove any subconscious blocks that you may be carrying will completely transform your life.

I am able to identify the deeper issues at hand that are being shown in your current 3D reality, and then help you create a road map of your own personal journey towards your truth. By healing mental & emotional blocks, applying manifestation concepts, guided meditations, and really getting to the deepest parts of what motivates you, you will literally change your DNA on a physical level. Finally you will learn the power of ‘Allowing’ and experience the joy of watching the shifts in your universe unfold around you.
During the months that we are working together, you will not only be receiving healing, activations and upgrades through the sessions, but also consistent guidance and grounding throughout your journey, as you navigate the experiences that come up as a result of the shifts you bring into your reality.
One of my greatest passions is to activate other healers, star starseeds, angelic and galactic beings like you, into stepping into your true path and embracing, embodying and claiming your greatest gifts. Having been through the transformation myself, I am able to guide you in how to harness these gifts. How to shine and let the world see you, how to build a thriving business, and how to step into serving the collective while following your deepest passion and calling.

“As a by-product of my own personal journey and awakening, I have learned Universal truths from my Guides, Angels and the Divine. It is my honour to be able to share these insights with my clients as a natural result of connecting with their own personal journey and identifying the patterns that they are attracting into their reality in order to heal. I am deeply connected to Spirit and during the session I channel this information through to the client in a way that they will relate to and understand themselves and this life on a much deeper and more profound level than ever before."