Sacred Masculine | The Divine Mirror
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The Sacred Masculine

The Sacred Masculine is not just a program, it’s a profound journey designed to heal your inner masculine and build an unshakable

trust with your inner feminine.

Are you tired of feeling let down by the men in your life? Do you find yourself in constant overdrive, striving for success but neglecting your feminine essence? Trusting in the universe feels so scary, and really allowing yourself to receive in the feminine is hit and miss. It's time for a change.


Enter The Sacred Masculine — a sanctuary for your soul. This 4-week program is your bridge to profound healing. Clare will take you through 21 days of self-healing techniques, rituals, practices, and transformative curriculum, with breaks during the weekend to allow you to integrate the shifts happening within. You will rediscover your true strength, find deep alignment, and heal your relationship with the masculine on all levels.

Imagine a life where trust flows effortlessly. How would it feel to be anchored in deep stability, and security within? Reconnecting with yourself and others in a way that feels harmonious; The Sacred Masculine will teach you how to manifest these desires into your reality.


Led by Master Angelic Channel, and Psychic Clare Phioro, this program is rooted in ancient wisdom and balanced by modern psychology. Clare has transformed lives globally, guiding women like you to embrace their divine balance and create lasting change in their reality.


Why The Sacred Masculine?


This is not just a coaching program. This is a sacred journey of healing and transformation. Clare’s unique approach integrates spiritual practices, psychological insights, nervous system regulation, somatic practices, and transformative energy work, ensuring holistic healing for your mind, body, and spirit.

This journey will allow you to...​

  • Transform your relationship with men and the masculine, paving the way for healthier connections. 

  • Establish & Hold Boundaries: Learn the art of boundaries, fostering stability and security in your life.

  • Realign to your path: Become deeply anchored in your truth and soul purpose.

  • Reconnect: Discover a new way of relating to yourself, others, and the world, fostering deep, meaningful connections.

  • Heal your perspective on the masculine.

  • Transform your relationship with work and money dynamics!

  • Create a healthy and deeply safe  container for your feminine to flow and create from.


  • 4 Weeks of Transformational Transmissions: Dive deep into healing techniques, rituals, activations and meditations.

  • Weekend Integration Breaks: Reflect and integrate your shifts in a nurturing space, with Clare’s continued support and group mentorship throughout.

  • Guided Meditations & Activations: Experience transformative energy work to heal your inner world.

  • Support from Spirit: Access channeled guidance from Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Light Beings to support your journey.


Is this for you?

Your investment in The Sacred Masculine is an investment in yourself, your peace, and your transformation. Limited spots are available for this exclusive journey. Act now to secure your place and step into a life-changing experience.

⚔︎ You desire profound healing and transformation.


⚔︎ You are ready to align your masculine strength, confidence, and integrity.


⚔︎ You crave authentic, meaningful connections which deeply honour you.


⚔︎ You are committed to your personal growth journey.

Are you ready?

This program is a sacred commitment to your evolution. Clare will guide, support, and nurture you throughout this transformative journey.

Ready to embark on this transformative pathway? The Sacred Masculine awaits, ready to guide you toward a life filled with trust, stability, and harmonious connections.

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